Since being introduced to the US in 2007, e-cig growth has been growing by triple-digit leaps. UBS Investment Research estimates e-cig sales will double in 2012 to half a billion dollars. And then quadruple by mid 2014. By 2015, e-cig market share is expected to jump 832%… to more than $2 billion. And that’s just for starters.The potential is so enormous it’s difficult to grasp at first. More than 5 trillion cigarettes are sold each year. That’s about 250 billion packs a year. The tobacco industry is a $614- billion-a-year goldmine (as of the end of 2009). The e-cig category is quickly getting a larger share of this $614 billion tobacco pie. From January to July 2011, e-cig revenue grew an astounding 1500% and unit sales grew 2000%.